About Me

And my favorite things

Todd Cardon
1 min readAug 26, 2021
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Hello everyone! I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Todd Cardon.

I am a dad who lives on a farm. I enjoy writing, splitting firewood, and crunching numbers to name a few.

I find writing is my therapy and allows me to express stories that I find important. I also like sharing my journey in things that I am passionate about.

So far, I’ve covered topics on personal stories, health, marketing, music, movies, family, data, goals and life lessons to name a few.

I play the piano, mostly by ear. I enjoy recording music and hope that I can leave something behind that people will enjoy, or at least my own family.

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Board Games

Playing the piano

Listening to music

Working on the farm. I find it therapeutic to split wood, mow the lawn, and anything else that get’s me outside.

Quiet moments early in the morning

Thank you for taking time to get familiar with my writing. I hope you find it helpful and enjoyable.



Todd Cardon

Family man, writer, pianist, data professional, entrepreneur